When we are not in port where there may be laundry facilities available for a reasonable price, or a laundry service, we use a 5 gallon bucket and a washing “wand” (sort of like a fancy plunger). We use liquid laundry detergent so we don’t have to worry about it dissolving or being a hard rock when we want it. We often wash in salt water to conserve water since we have to make our own water. We always do a final rinse in fresh water, with a few drops of fabric softener in the rinse water. This removes the salt so the clothes dry, and the fabric softener removes any lingering salty or fishy smell. Once we’ve done our first load of laundry the rinse water becomes wash water for the next load of laundry. Bear in mind when you do laundry in a bucket you don’t do all your laundry. You wash what’s needed as needed. The amount of space on your lifelines for hanging clothes to dry is also a factor in how much you wash.
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